Assag (basic minced beef recipe)

Assag is a minced (ground) beef recipe used in many dishes such as mousaka, zucchini with bechemel
and various stuffed vegetable dishes. 
2 tbsp olive oil
1 lrg onion
2 lrg garlic cloves
1/4 tsp each salt and pepper
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1 lb ground beef
4 tbsp tomato sauce
To a medium sized pan heat oil and add the next 5 ingredients about 8 minutes on med. High just to sweat the onions. Add the ground beef and cook thoroughly.  Add tomato sauce to beef mixture bring to boil, then let simmer for 5 minuets.  Assag is now ready to be used in other recipes. 
Assag freezes very well, good to have on hand for future use.


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